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Kate Nickerson Physical Therapy


Kate Nickerson PT, NCPT is an orthopedic and pelvic floor physical therapist located in Los Gatos. She has been a physical therapist for over 25 years with extensive specialized training and is also a certified Pilates instructor. She loves providing treatment for all orthopedic and pelvic floor issues related to preganancy, postpartum and all stages of life.

Kate provides both virtual and in-person sessions. She will perform a comprehensive evaluation and incorporates manual therapy, education, exercise and breath work to promote improved comfort throughout pregnancy and after. Her goal is to allow clients to feel strong and confident with better understanding of how to care for their body and connect with their core and pelvic floor.

Kate feels everyone should have access to pelvic floor physical therapy as part of standard perinatal and general health care. She believes that following childbirth, individuals would benefit from a pelvic floor assessment whether having symptoms or not. This allows for screening of any potential postpartum issues and a more focused recovery.

Owner Name

Kate Nickerson PT, NCPT

Care Offered

  • Massage Therapy
  • Physical / Pelvic Floor Therapy
  • Postnatal Yoga
  • Postpartum Fitness
  • Prenatal Yoga

Virtual Services

Yes, in addition to in person



Areas Served

Los Gatos, San Francisco

Office Address

761 University Avenue, Los Gatos, California 95032, United States

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